About Clear Braces
Ceramic braces, also known as clear braces, tooth-colored braces, or esthetic braces, function in the same way that metal braces do.
Our clear braces are less noticeable than metal braces on your teeth. They’re smaller than ever and made of tooth-colored polycrystalline ceramic material that’s nearly invisible. These ceramic options complement your natural smile.
Though they are not completely invisible, and the brackets are roughly the same size and shape as metal braces, they are significantly less noticeable.
Blend in With Clear Braces
When combined with clear, white, or tooth-colored wires and elastic ties, ceramic brackets are a less visible way to straighten your smile. This option is especially appealing if you are an aesthetic-conscious adult or adolescent.
Ceramic braces are ideal if you want an esthetic treatment option but don’t want the hassle of removable aligners or the responsibility of wearing time with clear aligner systems such as Invisalign®.
Even though most patients with ceramic braces appreciate how discreet they are, some teens and adults prefer to use colored ligature ties.
This gives the braces an almost neon appearance. The colors pop off the clear brackets, creating a truly one-of-a-kind look that few people have seen before.
What Are the Differences Between Ceramic and Metal Braces?
Metal braces are well-known for their strength and durability. Ceramic braces are also strong, but they are made of a different, more delicate material that is more prone to chipping or cracking. Traditional braces also tolerate pressure better than newer ceramic braces.
Metal braces may be a better option if you require more drastic corrections. Because ceramic braces require smaller adjustments, it may take a little longer to align your teeth.
Having said that, both types of braces operate on the same principles and are generally equally effective.
You may be concerned about ceramic braces staining, but this hasn’t been an issue for many years. Ceramic brackets are stain-resistant. However, the adhesive used to secure the brackets to the teeth, as well as the clear elastic ties used to keep the wires in place, can stain.
This can give the appearance of discoloration or staining over time. You can avoid things like coffee and tea, red wine, tomatoes, mustard, and so on to reduce the possibility of staining, but this isn’t necessary because we change your elastics at every adjustment appointment.
You shouldn’t have to worry too much about giving up your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine if you practice good oral hygiene.